Reading... Porn, Maxim, Lego instruction books, LiveJournal

Hearing... MP3s (current count 6,500)

Watching... Alias, Friends reruns, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, M*A*S*H on DVD

Wanting... New apartment, Portable MP3 CD player (expandable memory chip kind), sex

Writing... e-mail, web page, LiveJournal entries

Tasks... Web Site overhaul, Halloween Shows, Philly Con



Reading... PC Magazine, Maxim, any Trek magazine, theater operations and guidelines

Hearing... MP3s (current count 4,500)

Watching... Boston Public, Friends & Drew Carey reruns, ST:Voyager, ER

Wanting... A new job, new DVD Player, Portable MP3 CD player (disc type, not the inferior, limited, memory chip kind)

Writing... e-mail, web page, Crazed

Tasks... Web Site overhaul, new theater search, Hollywood Convention



Reading... PC Magazine, Maxim, any Trek magazine, theater operations and guidelines

Hearing... MP3s (current count 3,200 - yes, 3<comma>200 - list - new one coming), Christmas Music

Watching... Boston Public, Friends & Drew Carey reruns, ST:Voyager, ER

Wanting... A new job, new DVD Player, Portable MP3 CD player (disc type, not the inferior, limited, memory chip kind)

Writing... e-mail, web page, proposal

Tasks... Web Site overhaul, new theater search



Reading... PC Magazine, Maxim, any Trek magazine, forms and bills

Hearing... Anything upbeat to kill depression, Metallica, Matchbox 20, Shakira, MP3s (current count 2,500 - yes, 2<comma>500 - list coming)

Watching... Friends reruns, Baseball, my life turn to crap again

Wanting... A new job, LD Player, decent MP3 editor, Portable MP3 CD player (disc type, not the inferior limited memory chip kind)

Writing... e-mail, e-mail, more e-mail

Tasks... Crazed stuff, cast acquisitions, apartment repair, Vegas Con,

General Mood... Depressed and discouraged



Reading... PC Magazine, Maxim, R.A.W., any web page that'll load

Hearing... Metallica, Yes, Matchbox 20, Shakira, MP3s (current count 2500 - yes, 2<comma>500 - list coming)

Watching... SW-TPM (Episode 1), Friends reruns, way, *way* too much TV

Wanting... Summer, San Fran Con, Rocky theater, LD Player, decent MP3 editor

Writing... e-mail, e-mail, more e-mail

Tasks... Crazed 57, new theater meeting, Crazed back issues, Vegas Con, apartment repair


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